Bullying and sportsmanship

Do bullying and sportsmanship have any relation to each other? This question makes me wonder every time I cheer at a basketball game. Last night, our school played another school in the second round of districts. It was a very close game and there were terrible calls made, all in all, our team lost by one point within the final 10 seconds. When the game was finished, I walked over to my family and I passed some of the kids from the other school. When we passed each other they looked at me and booed, repeatedly told me that my school sucked and that they were moving on into districts. Within the four years I’ve been cheering, I’ve seen sportsmanship issues but never this bad. So I want to know… do bullying and sportsmanship have any relation to each other? Are the “cool kids” that are saying these things to other schools, are they bullying us? What’s the difference? 

Posted on February 13, 2013, in Bullying and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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