Anti-Bullying Flash Mob

So cool to see people coming together to support Anti-Bullying! 🙂

The New B.P

January 20th, 2013. I helped out with the Elementary and Secondary School Anti-Bullying flash mob that was sponsored by the Vancouver Giants WHL Hockey team. Many Vancouver schools were involved and they did an amazing job!

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12-year-old boy who was victim of bullying attack dies after weeks in hospital

This should NEVER happen…

The New B.P


PHILADELPHIA — A young boy who was the victim of bullying has died, according to his family. Bailey O’Neill, who turned 12 on Saturday, was in a coma after suffering several seizures. His family told NBC10’s Katy Zachry that he died at the hospital on Sunday.
Bailey’s family says he was jumped by two classmates during recess at Darby Township School last January and suffered a concussion as well as a broken nose as a result. He then began to suffer seizures the next day, forcing doctors to put him into a medically induced coma. Joy Fecanin, the boy’s grandmother, told NBC10’s Katy Zachry that he had to have a blood transfusion after getting pneumonia. On Sunday, the following message was posted on the stand-wit-bailyBuilding Hope for Bailey Facebook Page: I would like to thank everyone who has prayed and supported Bailey and his family!! Bailey has been the strongest…

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Look Deeper

Are there people that go all day at school and aren’t talked to by anyone? Let’s think about this… How many people do you see in school? I know I see just about everyone in my high school, but do we talk to every person? Do we go out of our way just to talk to one person. To make one person’s day.. So here’s my challenge to you. The next time you see someone in the school hallway or in the work force, that you don’t talk to on a daily basis, reach out to them. Say hello. Compliment them. YOU may just be the one that makes their day or even changing their mind about something… Step up. Stand out. 


Be a buddy. Not a bully. 

Do Something Inspiring

Do Something Inspiring

I hung these up all around my school to show kids what bullying does to people. Be a buddy. Not a bully

Good Video. The statistic is something to think about for sure.

The New B.P

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Bullying and sportsmanship

Do bullying and sportsmanship have any relation to each other? This question makes me wonder every time I cheer at a basketball game. Last night, our school played another school in the second round of districts. It was a very close game and there were terrible calls made, all in all, our team lost by one point within the final 10 seconds. When the game was finished, I walked over to my family and I passed some of the kids from the other school. When we passed each other they looked at me and booed, repeatedly told me that my school sucked and that they were moving on into districts. Within the four years I’ve been cheering, I’ve seen sportsmanship issues but never this bad. So I want to know… do bullying and sportsmanship have any relation to each other? Are the “cool kids” that are saying these things to other schools, are they bullying us? What’s the difference? 

True Friends

Who has your back? Do you ever think about who is truly there for you or who you can go to when things go wrong? Everyone needs true friends and family to give them support and to go to if they ever need anything. When I was in class today, our teacher gave us a quiz about famous people and who won different things and such. The whole class was speechless. What kind of person really knows that stuff? Then she gave us another quiz. This quiz was just 5 questions about who has influenced you, ever made you feel special, teachers that ever helped you in the past, your true friends and also who you see that is kind. Everyone in the class had things written down. When I think about who has helped me or influenced me or even has truly been there for me when I err needed someone, I could only think of the same people. Everyone has family and friends that help them through things, but how many of them are fake? These are things to think about…


The next time you see someone in the hallway, at work or another public place… say hi. Maybe help them if they need help. If they are getting picked on, don’t just stand there and watch or walk away. Be the bigger person. Stand up for them because you will go farther in life than the bully themselves. Don’t let fear take over. You never know.. you could make someone’s day.

Schools and Facebook/Twitter

So I’m going to be honest here… (I got the idea from my old school so I tried it out).. I creeped some of the twitter profiles and Facebook profiles from some peers at my school, to see if there was any cyber-bullying happening. Guess what? I really didn’t find anything. Honestly, the way people act in the hallways and sporting events, you would think they would bring that stuff to Facebook or another online profile. I’m proud of Sioux Central and the fact that people actually know how to behave themselves and be polite to others. I mean, yeah, there are always a few kids or that “group” that says mean things and stuff but surprisingly, they didn’t have anything bad. Two thumbs up and an A+ for them! Proud to be a Rebel. 

Forgive and Forget.

Can you really forgive and forget? Let’s be honest here. Have you ever been bullied? Maybe in middle school or even high school, or even in the work force. Bullying is not fun, believe me. But sometimes, some people change. Example: My middle school years were TERRIBLE people picked on me day after day and it was the same girls each time. They even got older kids involved. Moving on… middle school sucked! But i’m a senior in high school now and that situation doesn’t happen anymore. Graduation is in 4 months and I have better things coming for me in life. Did I forgive the girls? Yes, some of them are my closest friends today. Will I ever forget? Never. So can you forgive and forget? It goes both ways. You can forgive someone for sure, but you will never forget what they did to you. 

Taking the next step…

So I’ve been thinking lately? What can I do to contribute to bullying? How can it be prevented?

I ended up talking to one of my friends named Kayla. She has been effected by bullying just as much as I have been. During our conversation we decided that we were going to start a project together on bullying and think of ways that we could prevent it. You know, all things start with an idea, whether you put it into action or not is what will get you to your goal. We are getting a couple of people together to talk about things we could do and what kind of social media will help us get the word out.  I’m really hoping something big will come out of this! 🙂